Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Missing the Rem Dawg

Those of you lucky enough to live in New England right now, as our Red Sox inch ever closer to dethroning the Yankees for the AL East crown for the first time in Lord-knows-how-many years (I want to say 7), know not my pain. I live in a dark world where the Sox are available on TV once every other week or so (unless they're playing the Yankees), and am subjected to intolerable egomaniacs or clueless buffoons or both (I'm looking at you , Joe Morgan) for color men. Oh, how I miss the incomparable Jerry Remy. I even miss his and Don Orsillo's gigglefests that swallow up the middle innings of most telecasts. Just remember how lucky you are, New Englanders.

In other news - The Sox lead the Earth Angels of Anaheim 6-3 in the top of the sixth. Good times.



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